Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Raiders of the lost league standings

Forgive the title, The Messenger was watching the first film of the Indiana Jones franchise last week and... well, keep reading. You'll get it.

One of the big issues with North Jersey league realignment this year was that, in some cases, it meant teams would not be bowling their entire league season at one house. And that not every match a team bowled would count toward its division standings (Big North, we're looking in your direction). And, with divisions spread out over multiple home alleys, it meant that stat-keeping became somewhat decentralized.

In light of all this, it has taken the NJBB longer than usual to track down the league standings that we normally like to post around this time of year. Fortunately, an Official Colleague of TM (known around these parts as Reporter Guy Vince) passed along the final numbers from the North Jersey Interscholastic Conference, which bore much more resemblance to the old B-PSL and BCSL National/Olympic and therefore pretty much just carried on the business-as-usual of its predecessors... although, for scheduling purposes, it does help to have solely co-ed teams.

So, over the course of the next week — before we get into postseason accolades and such — the NJBB will review all the league results we could obtain, starting with the NJIC and working our way to whatever Big North division standings come down the 'pike. TM hesitates to put a schedule on things, since ideally he'd like to get it all done as soon as possible, or at least post everything he has by Sunday evening. However, to avoid confusion (there's been enough already), he'll give each division of each league its own blog entry, even if multiple entries are filed in a given day.

FYI, N.B. & ALL THOSE OTHER GOOD ACRONYMS: The All-Bergen County meeting was held yesterday, and teams have been selected. It seems to be the trend of the local media to wait on publishing the teams for suspense-related purposes, but for TM's own purposes, he'll at least give it a week or two, so that the honorees have had the opportunity to receive the good news. Hey, far be it from this blog to deprive coaches from delivering the smiles to their bowlers' faces.

Let the recapping begin...

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