Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Update Upcoming

Umm... yeah... so, if you've managed to get into our little blog-deal here, I must apologize for the lack of posts in the last two weeks. If you've just stumbled upon this site for the first time -- Welcome! And, please disregard that first sentence entirely.

The original intent of this site was to give some coverage when the newspapers might run short on space. Well, it turns out that I got a lot of newspaper space to write about the Bergen County boys tournament (in a couple different weeklies, no less), and on top of that, The Record has been covering the local major tournaments, too. Plus, they've been putting a lot more into their own blog, Varsity Aces... which, at this point, is this site's chief competition, but Tim Leonard does a nice job with it, and I'm about to add some stuff that almost never makes the papers: league championship recaps.

Also, if Tim is reading this, I call a truce. Varsity Aces will make the blogroll as soon as I figure out what one of those is and how to add it to the North Jersey Bowling Blog.

Belated congrats to Bergen Catholic (overall champ, and a record 6,211 six-game series), Indian Hills (Groups 1-2), Chris Hopkins of Tenafly (high series) and Nick Gavron of Queen of Peace (high game) for taking home the hardware from the Bergen County boys tournament. B-PSL fans, your Position Day recap is on the way...

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